Thursday, March 3, 2011

English Mid Term Test of Year XI - 2011


Hari/Tanggal              : Kamis, 10 Maret 2011                            
Mata pelajaran         : BAHASA INGGRIS                                   
Waktu                       : 10.00 – 12.00 (120 menit)
Kelas                         : XI (Sebelas)                                              
Jumlah soal                :  25 butir soal pilihan ganda dan 5 butir soal esai

1.       Jawaban dikerjakan pada lembar soal.
2.       Sebelum mengerjakan soal-soal, tulislah terlebih dahulu pada lembar jawaban: nomor peserta ujian, nama lengkap, dan asal sekolah SMU/MA!
3.       Pilihlah jawaban yang tepat/benar dan berilah tanda     X      pada kolom pilihan jawaban yang disediakan!
4.       Berilah tanda     X    pada satu pilihan jawaban saja untuk satu soal! Bila tanda     X    lebih dari satu untuk satu soal, maka jawaban dianggap salah.
5.       Jika terjadi kesalahan memilih jawaban, maka hapuslah tanda     X     sampai bersih, kemudian berilah tanda    X    pada jawaban yang dianggap benar.
6.       Tidak diizinkan menggunakan KAMUS atau alat bantu lainnya.
7.       Berdo’alah sebelum mengerjakan!
8.                   Periksalah pekerjaanmu sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas ujian!

A. Multiple choice

1. Hendra      : How do you like this story, Joko?
    Joko           : I’m completely satisfied with everything.
    Hendra       : Are you happy with the end of the story?
    Joko           : I’m happy enough with it.
    From the dialogue above, we know that Joko is ….
a. agree 
b. disagree
c. satisfied
d. dissatisfied
e. pleased

2. Gina           : Are you not satisfied with this story, Tom?
    Tom            : I’m a bit disappointed with the story.
    Gina            : What’s the matter?
    Tom            : The story was lousy.
    The underlined sentence is expressing ….
a. agreement 
b. displeasure
c. dissatisfaction
d. suggestion
e. satisfaction

3. Arif     : Was the story I wrote not to your satisfaction?
    Budi    : Yes, it was.
    Arif      : What are you complaining about?
    Budi    : I’m  bit disappointed with the main characters.
    From the dialogue, we know that Budi is …
a. asking about satisfaction
b. expressing satisfaction
c. asking about dissatisfaction
d. expressing dissatisfaction
e. responding to dissatisfaction

4. Susi    : What’s the matter, Wati?
    Wati    : I don’t like this story.
    Susi    : Do you have any complaints?
    Wati    : I’m a little dissatisfied with this story ending.
        What does the underlined sentence means?
a. asking about satisfaction
b. expressing satisfaction
c. asking about dissatisfaction
d. expressing dissatisfaction
e. responding to dissatisfaction

5. A : Do you think I ought to call the police?
    B  : I think you’d better to discuss it first with school
A  : What do you think I should talk to them?
B  : If I were you, I’d stop complaining that case.
From the dialogue above, we know that the underlined sentence expressing ….
a.       Asking for suggestion
b.       Offering suggestion
c.        Responding to dissatisfaction
d.       Asking for satisfaction
e.       Offering satisfaction

6. Susi    : Should I try to talk to our teacher about this
Gina    : How about talking this to our parents at home?
Susi    : ……………………
Gina    : I advise you ask them a help.
a.       Do you like me?
b.       Do you have any advise for me?
c.        Do I have any advise for you?
d.       Do you want a help?
e.       Do you need some advise?

7.    Doctor            : Ma’am. If you want really to reduce your
                                  weight ….
        Patient           : Alright, Doctor. I’ll try.
a.       You may not eat too many snacks every day.
b.       You might not eat too many snacks every day.
c.        You could not eat too many snacks every day.
d.       You should not eat too many snacks every day.
e.       You cannot eat too many snacks every day.

8.    Feri     : What do you recommend I take for a bad
        Wati    : I recommend that you go to the public health
        Wati is ….     
a.       Asking for recommendation
b.       Giving for advice
c.        Asking for advice
d.       Giving for help
e.       Responding to satisfaction

9.    Ferro  : How was the party last night?
        Giga    : It was awful! The music was bad.
        Giga is ….      
a.       Showing his recognition
b.       Giving permission
c.        Expressing displeased
d.       Expressing refusal
e.       Giving encouragement

10. Ben     : Doel, let’s go seeing a concert tonight.
        Doel    : Who’s going to perform?
        Ben     : The Gendhong Band.
        Doel    : Ugh, no, thanks. I came to their concert last
                      year and it was terrible.
        The underlined sentence shows ….        
a.       surprise
b.       displeasure
c.        agreement
d.       like
e.       suggestion

11. Eka     : I’m really thankful for what you’ve done for
        Ichya   : No big deal. That’s what a friend is for.
        Eka is showing ….       
a.       suggestion
b.       invitation
c.        pleasure
d.       command
e.       dislike

12. Didik   : I think DVD piracy is a crime.
        Doel    : I absolutely agree with you.
        In this dialogue, Doel expresses ….        
a.       displeased
b.       dislike
c.        surprise
d.       pride
e.       agreement

13. Okta   : Do you think we should be afraid of our
        Ayu      : …. Our team is also competent.                
a.       I think so.
b.       Sure.
c.        I don’t think so.
d.       Absolutely!
e.       Really?

14. Rifa’i   : I don’t really like that guy. He seems
        Dede  : I agree with you. I just saw him stare at the
                      money deposit counter and talk something
                      weird about it on the telephone.
        Rifa’i   : Should we take a close look at him?
        Dede  : We shouldn’t be hurry. I already asked
                      Endang to take a look at him.
        Rifa’i and Dede have ….            
a.       Agreement to take a look to the man
b.       Agreement about who has to look the man
c.        Agreement that the man was suspicious
d.       Disagreement that the man was angry
e.       Disagreement that the man was suspicious

15. Iqha    : Mom, can I eat this cereal?
        Widi    : I don’t think so, dear. It’s expired.
        The underlined sentence show ….          
a.       agreement
b.       disagreement
c.        dislike
d.       surprise
e.       advice

Text 1 (Question 16 – 18)

Once upon a time, there was a monkey captured by a farmer. The farmer put the monkey into the cage. The farmer decided to kill him because he stole bananas from the farmer’s garden. The turtle knew the farmer’s plan. One night the turtle told it to the monkey. He was very surprised that he was going to be killed by the farmer the day after. The turtle help him to escape from the cage and she replaced him in the cage. In the morning, the farmer came near the cage. He was surprised because the monkey was lost and he found that only turtle was in the cage. The farmer was angry and he threw the turtle away into the river. The monkey and the turtle were free from the slaughter.
16. What is the best title for the text above?
a. Once Upon A Time
b. The Farmer       
c. The Monkey and The Turtle
d. The Monkey
e. The Turtle

17. What is the first paragraph called?
a. introduction
b. thesis
c. twist
d. conclusion
e. resolution

18. What is the generic structure of the text above?
a. introduction – events - reiteration
b. orientation – complication - resolution
c. thesis – arguments - recommendation
d. general classification - description
e. identification - description

Text 2 (Question 19 – 21)

Cars create pollution and cause a lot of road deaths and other accidents.
Firstly, cars, as we all know, contribute to most of the pollution in the world. Cars emit a deadly gas that causes illnesses such as bronchitis, lung cancer, and ‘triggers’ off asthma. Some of these illnesses are so bad that people die from them.
Secondly, the city is very busy. Pedestrians wander everywhere and cars commonly hit pedestrians in the city, which causes them die. Cars today are our roads biggest killers.
Thirdly, cars are very noisy. If you live in the city, you may find it hard to sleep at night, or concentrate on your homework, and especially talk to someone.
I persuade that it is good for the city government to bend too many cars come into the big city because they make the city in troubles, crowded, and heavy traffic jams every time.

19. The text tells us about ....
a. cars problem
b. the city and its problems
c. the cars and the city  crowded
d. cars create pollution and accidents
e. city government in troubles

20. Which statement is TRUE based on the text?
a. cars create pollution in Indonesia and Australia  
b. cars make the city dirty and crowded
c. cars makes people in the village hard to sleep   
d. the city makes heavy traffic jams
e. cars cause many accidents

21. The communicative purpose of the text is …
a. to describe the life of cars
b. to persuade the readers to bend cars
c. to persuade the reader to buy cars   
d. to persuade the reader to agree with the writer
e. to show the readers how the cars cause accidents

Text 3 (Question 22 – 25)

YONKERS, Nov. 12 – A four alarm damaged 14 stores today in the Cross County Shopping Center, the largest shopping center in Westchester County.
Fire investigators said the blaze apparently started in a pile of cardboard cartons at the rear of a shoe store and spread through a utilities duct above the 13 other stores. The fire started at 4.40 p.m. and was declared under control at 6.14 p.m. The center is on the Cross County Parkway at the Gov. Thomas E. Dewey Thruway.
Two fire-fighters were treated at the scene for minor cuts. Lieut. John Carey of the Yonkers Arson Squad said the cause of the fire was under investigation.

22. The text mainly tells us about …
a. A fire in the shopping center.
b. The blaze at the shoe store.
c. The Yonkers Arson Squad.
d. A shopping center on the Cross County.
e. The largest shopping center in Westchester County.

23. The fire has lasted for an hour … minutes.
a. 10
b. 14
c. 20
d. 24
e. 34

24. “__ the blaze apparently started __” (Paragraph 2)
a. really
b. actually
c. honestly
d. probably
e. completely

25. What is the type of the text above?
a. spoof
b. hortatory exposition
c. narrative
d. news items
e. recount

B. Essays

26.   What is the generic structure of Narrative?
27.   What is the generic structure of Recount?
28.   What is the generic structure of Spoof?
29.   What is the generic structure of News Items?
30.   What is the generic structure Hortatory Exposition?

Jika Anda ingin mencapai anak tangga tertinggi, Anda harus berani menaiki anak tangga yang pertama.

Maka, jika kalian ingin sukses dan berhasil dalam belajar, mulailah keberhasilan kalian itu dengan mengerjakan hal-hal yang kecil dahulu, seperti mengerjakan tugas, mengerjakan PR, atau menjawab pertanyaan di kelas ketika ditanya guru.

Jika kalian sudah tidak bergairah atau tidak bersemangat dalam mengerjakan hal-hal kecil yang diberikan guru, bagaimana mungkin kalian akan mampu mengerjakan hal-hal besar (seperti Ujian Akhir Semester atau Ujian Nasional) yang diberikan kepada kalian?