Thursday, March 3, 2011

English Mid Term Test of Year X - 2011


Hari/Tanggal           : Kamis, 10 Maret 2011                
Mata pelajaran       : BAHASA INGGRIS                                    
 Waktu                    : 10.00 – 12.00 (120 menit)
Kelas                       : X (Sepuluh)                                               
Jumlah soal             :  25 butir soal pilihan ganda dan 5 butir soal esai

1.       Jawaban dikerjakan pada lembar soal.
2.       Sebelum mengerjakan soal-soal, tulislah terlebih dahulu pada lembar jawaban: nomor peserta ujian, nama lengkap, dan asal sekolah SMU/MA!
3.       Pilihlah jawaban yang tepat/benar dan berilah tanda  X  kolom pilihan jawaban yang disediakan!
4.       Berilah tanda   X   pada satu pilihan jawaban saja untuk satu soal! Bila tanda   X  lebih dari satu untuk satu soal, maka jawaban dianggap salah.
5.       Jika terjadi kesalahan memilih jawaban, maka hapuslah tanda  X  sampai bersih, kemudian berilah tanda    X   pada jawaban yang dianggap benar.
6.       Tidak diizinkan menggunakan kamus atau alat bantu lainnya.
7.       Berdo’alah sebelum mengerjakan
8.       Periksalah pekerjaanmu sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas ujian!


A. Multiple choices

1. Respond with the right expression!
    A : Just use my  money first, man!
    B :  ………..        
    a. I’m sorry to hear that     
    b. How do you do            
    c. I hope you are very well
    d. Off course not                                             
    e. Thanks a lot

2. If you want to tell your friend about his/her new t-shirt, how do you express it?
a. You look good in that outfit 
b. You’ve done great job
c. That was a nice lunch
d. What a cool ride you have!
e. What a big building!

3. If you want to give compliment to your friend’s good work, how do you express it?
a. You look good in that outfit 
b. You’ve done great job
c. That was a nice lunch
d. What a cool ride you have!
e. That’s not good, Man!

4. Arif     : You have lied to me.
    Budi    : How can you say that?
    Arif      : Well, that’s the fact.
    From the dialogue, we know that Budi is …
a. happy 
b. accepting the information
c. accepting the invitation
d. surprised
e. surprising

5. A : You know what? I’ve passed a job test a week ago, tomorrow is my first day to work.
    B : That’s great, I must…………you
    Fill the blank with the right expression.
a.       Thank you
b.       Very nice
c.        Congratulation
d.       Congratulate
e.       Treat you

6. A : Yesterday, I met Brad Pitt at Kojengkang! Do you believe it?
    B  : ………………………
    Fill the blank with the right response.
a.       Good Bye
b.       Seeing is believing
c.        Maybe, you’re right
d.       I’m sorry
e.       That’s nice

7. If there is news that explains a car crash that killed one of your neighbour. How do you response if you are in shock by the news?
    a. Tell me more
    b. Well, it’s okay!
    c. Oh no, that’s not true!
    d. Really? That sounds interesting
    e. This is really surprise!

Text 1 (Question 8 – 10)

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! My name is Anita. Welcome abroad Garuda Flight 476 to Singapore. Our flight will take approximately an hour and twenty minutes and we hope to land in Singapore at 10.30 Singapore time.
As we prepare for taking off, please fasten your seat belts and be sure that your seats are in upright position. If thare is anything you need, please do not hesitate to call on your cabin attendants. Thank you and behalf of the captain and crew, we wish you have a pleasant flight.

8.  What is the purpose of the text?
a. to announce a flight trip           
b. to advertise a flight trip             
c. to entertain the audience with joke
d. to explain how to have a nice flight trip
e. to describe what the passengers should do

9. Where do you usually experience the text?             
a. in the plane                 
b. in the movie
c. in the hospital             
d. in the waiting room of an airport
e. in the ship

10. Who will likely tell the text?
a. pilot                               
b. co-pilot         
c. passenger
d. stewardess
e. airport security

Text 2 (Question 11 – 14)

        Name of Passenger    : Doel Mersault, Mr.
        From              : Jkt         To            : Pdg
        Flight              Class      Date       Time       Gate       Seat         
        752                   B          Jul 9       15.15       5            8D          

11. What is the text about?
a. ticket for a concert    
b. boarding pass for an airline flight                
c. registration for B Class
d. bus ticket
e. air plane ticket

12. Where will Mr. Doel Mersault go?
a. Surabaya
b. Jakarta
c. Padang
d. Denpasar
e. Kualalumpur

13. When will Mr. Doel Mersault depart from Jakarta?
a. at 15.15
b. after 15.15
c. before 15.15
d. after Flight 752
e. after sitting on 8D

14. Where will Mr. Doel Mersault sit?
a. in Gate 5     
b. Seat 752       
c. Seat 8D          
d. Seat 5
e. Seat B

Text 3 (Question 15 – 17)

Competition in conjunction with the biggest gadget fair 2011

15. People wrote the text to … the gadget fair
a. invite  
b. learn  
c. advertise   
d. represent
e. announce

16. What does the advertisement above offer?
a. a chance to win fabulous prizes  
b. furniture worth contract as models for the winner
c. an opportunity to be a brunette idol upon winning   
d. an opportunity to spend Rp 1 million in a single receipt
e. a chance to win a set of furniture worth Rp 1 million

17. The communicative purpose of the text is …
a. to describe the life of a millionaire
b. to persuade the readers to spend 1 million
c. to persuade the reader to be an idol   
d. to persuade the reader to be brunette
e. to show the readers how to be a model, actress, diva

Text 3 (Question 18 – 20)

Breakfast is provided free of charge. We also have special discounts on food and drinks at our restaurant for all registered guests. On top of that, there’s a fifty percent discount for children below 12 at our restaurant. We are located close to the apple garden and butterfly farm. You can see the sunset and sunrise from your room. Children would also be entitled to free horse riding lesson every morning.
Rp 500.000,++ per night
Reservation: (0341) 7689980

18. The text is a kind of a/an …
a. message
b. announcement
c. recount
d. invitation
e. advertisement

19. Which is free of charge of the hotel?
a. staying for nights 
b. having foods and drinks at the restaurant
c. having breakfast and horse riding lesson 
d. having dinner for the children below 12
e. entering apple garden

20. Who is the fifty percent discount given to?
a. 14 year children
b. 12 year children
c. 11 year children
d. all registered guests
e. all the restaurant guests

21. On top of that, there’s a fifty percent discount for children below 12 at our restaurant.
        The underlined word means …
a. under
b. above
c. in the age of
d. little
e. over

Text 4 (Question 22 – 24)

Once upon a time there lived a very famous king, named the King of Crete. He had a monster which was half bull and half man.
He ordered Daedalus, a craftsman from Athens, to build a wax in order to house the monster. When Daedalus finished his work, he wanted to leave Crete. But the King would not let him go.
Daedalus escape through the air by using wings fixed to his body with wax. He also made wings for his son, Icarus and made him fly behind himself.
But the son was so glad and excited that he soon went too high. As he flew nearer to the sun, it got warmer and warmer until at last the wax melted and his body fell down into the sea near Troy.
The sea is now called the Icarian Sea.

22.   Who are the characters of the story?
         a. King of Crete
         b. Daedalus
         c. Troy
         d. King of Crete and Daedalus
         e. King of Crete, Daedalus, and Icarus

23.   How does Daedalus escape from King of Crete?
         a. building a wax in order to house the monster
         b. using wings and fly through the air
         c. making wings for his son
         d. making his son fly
         e. falling down into the sea

24.   The generic structure of the text is …
         a. thesis – arguments – conclusion
         b. orientation – events – twist
         c. orientation – events – reorientation
         d. orientation – complication – resolution
         e. thesis – arguments – recommendation

Text 5 (Question 25)

Dear Ika Rezki,
Hi friend, here I invite you to my 15th birthday party
         Date              : Sunday, 17 May 2011
         Time              : 4 p.m
         Venue           : Solaria, 1st floor Cibubur Junction
Please, do come on time! The party will be different without you. 


25.   Where will Fatimah’s birthday party be held?
         a. Fatimah’s house
         b. Ika’s house
         c. on time
         d. Solaria Cibubur Junction
         e. Fatimah’s party

B. Essay
Change into passive voice!

26.   The flight attendant announce the flight trip.

         ( - ) ………………………………………..

         ( + ) ………………………………………..

27.   Fatimah will hold a party on Sunday.

         ( - ) ………………………………………..

         ( + ) ………………………………………..

Change into reported speech!

28.   Daedalus said to his son, “Fly behind me!”

29.   She told her father, “I need some new books.”

30.   Fatimah asked Ika, “Can you come to my party?”


Kota Paris tidak dibangun
dalam waktu semalam.


Jika Anda ingin mencapai anak tangga tertinggi, Anda harus berani menaiki anak tangga yang pertama.

Maka, jika kalian ingin sukses dan berhasil dalam belajar, mulailah keberhasilan kalian itu dengan mengerjakan hal-hal yang kecil dahulu, seperti mengerjakan tugas, mengerjakan PR, atau menjawab pertanyaan di kelas ketika ditanya guru.

Jika kalian sudah tidak bergairah atau tidak bersemangat dalam mengerjakan hal-hal kecil yang diberikan guru, bagaimana mungkin kalian akan mampu mengerjakan hal-hal besar (seperti Ujian Akhir Semester atau Ujian Nasional) yang diberikan kepada kalian?


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